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Dear Students,

Due to the upcoming examination session in the winter semester 2021/2022, which (in accordance with the Ordinance of the Rector of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Uniwersity No. 43/2021 on the organization of the academic year 2021/2022 and the organization, dates and procedure for completing the semester and year of study) lasts for full-time students from the 31st of January 2022 to the 13th of February 2022; re-take session from the 21th of February 2022 to the 6th of March 2022, we kindly inform you that:

Cards entitling to the examination session will be issued to students in the winter semester from the 14st of January 2022.


Therefore, we kindly ask you to read the following information:

  • Students are admitted to the examination or credit based on the protocol.
  • The Dean's Office adds the student to the examination and/or credit protocols after verifying that the student is enrolled for the winter semester (i.e. has completed previous semesters and/or submitted all necessary applications) and has an active student’s status and is not in arrears with tuition payments.
  • The student is obliged to check in the Virtual Dean's Office (Finance tab – in Polish “Finanse”) outstanding fees for tuition, interest, repetition of subjects, subjects studied in advance, curricular disparity (with the completion date of the winter exam session 2021/2022) and settling the payment as soon as possible to the student's individual account in advance so that the funds are credited to the University’s account on the 12th of January 2022.


Please check in the Virtual Dean's Office ("Subjects and grades" tab – In Polish Przedmioty i oceny) the compliance of all subjects from the current semester (including repeated subjects, curricular disparity and subjects studied in advance). If you notice any inconsistencies or deficiencies, please contact an employee of the Dean's Office immediately - it does not apply to 6th year students of Medicine.  

In case of any questions regarding the shortcomings on Cards entitling to the examination session (document which allows you to participate in the exam) or if you notice the lack of this card in the system (despite the paid fees and settled earlier semesters) please contact the Dean's Office employee. We remind you that the contact details of the Dean's Office employees are available on the Faculty's website: https://www.ka.edu.pl/lek/kierunki-studiow/medicine/contact

In case of financial ambiguities, please contact with the Accounting Department:  / +48 12 25 24 703

How to check the status of your examination card:
dziekanat.ka.edu.pl log in to your account Subjects and grades Semester details State of card
Status "Card delivered" means the student is allowed to participate in the examination session.


Pełna lista Aktualności
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
ul. Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego 1, 30-705 Kraków

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